Friday, March 4, 2016

How Many Minutes to Score 5 Goals for Robert Lewandowski?

Can you answer today's soccer trivia question?

How Many Minutes to Score 5 Goals for Robert Lewandowski?

How Many Minutes to Score 5 Goals for Robert Lewandowski?

Test your knowledge on Robert Lewandowski and the Bundesliga...
  1. How many minutes did it take Bayern Munich player Robert Lewandowski to score his 5 goals in one game, in September 2015 (vs Wolfsburg)?

  2. 8

If your score is 100/100, you chose well!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Robert Lewandowski Scored 5 Goals in One Game Against?

Can you answer today's soccer trivia question?

Robert Lewandowski Scored 5 Goals in One Game Against?

Robert Lewandowski Scored 5 Goals in One Game Against?

Test your knowledge on Robert Lewandowski and the Bundesliga...
  1. Against which team did Bayern Munich player Robert Lewandowski score 5 goals in one game, in September 2015?

  2. Hannover
    FC Koln

If your score is 100/100, you chose well!